
The new way to reduce change risk

Discover and detect the risks you can't see. Overmind gives you the insight of a post-mortem without the fallout of broken infra.

Abstract representation of Overmind's web application.

Integrates into existing workflows

Overmind seamlessly integrates into your existing CI/CD pipelines. Automatically create changes from pull requests and view the blast radius, risk analysis and diff for each change, without leaving your CI system.

Abstract representation of the GitHub logo

GitHub Actions

Our GitHub Action fully automates the integration of Overmind as comments in your pull request workflow.

Abstract representation of a terminal ico

Works in the CLI

Calculate the blast radius of changes manually, or integrate with any CI system using our CLI

Other supported tools in Overmind

Intelligent risk analysis

Predict the risks of your next change. Using the latest in LLM technology we are able to, in real-time, give you accurate associated risks. Avoid costly downtimes and outages and move faster.

Overmind risks application section

Risk Analysis

Overmind categorises the risks and gives you a human readable summary. Saving you time and ensuring you only see what's important.

By taking into account the blast radius, we are able to intelligently predict any given risks before making a change.

From pre-existing problems, mismatched configurations or simply human errors. With Overmind you’ll have a second pair of eyes on every line of your infrastructure code changes.

Overmind graph view

Blast Radius

Minimise change risk by observing only the things that actually matter. Overmind analyses your change within seconds. Showing you exactly what you might break or the "blast radius".

Use the graph to clearly see the extent of a change’s risk and deploy with confidence.

Overmind supports changes that span many accounts and regions ensuring that you get the full picture.

Overmind diff view modal

Diff view

Identify exactly which changes caused which problems by viewing the diff. Overmind’s relationship graph allows you to correlate unexpected behaviour and the config change that caused it.

Knowing exactly what's changed, and what didn't, means you can stop chasing red herrings. Start understanding what went wrong and why.

Capturing the last-known-good-configuration helps you rollback and get back to work faster.


And we didn’t stop there

From exploring your existing infrastructure and applications, to validating health pre and post change. We are committed to building the features that you need most.

Overmind explore command bar

Explore existing infrastructure

The Overmind Explore feature shows you the true shape of your cloud environment, in as much detail as you need. Understand an entire application starting with nothing more than the URL. All from a single console.

Ensure something is safe to delete by expanding it's dependencies.

Discover unexpected dependencies between applications by grouping by tags.

Filter, sort and hide items to ensure you only see exactly what you want.

Overmind health statuses

Validate health

Immediately identify changes that have gone wrong with health statuses. Take remediation action and confirm that the health status is restored.

Overmind unifies your existing health checks (e.g. Cloudwatch alarms) into a single per-change view.

Our automatic relationships power this too, meaning there's no setup required.

GitHub logoKubernetes logoOvermind iconAWS logoTerraform logo

Simple integration

Overmind discovers your cloud resources and how they are connected using read-only access. Working like a web crawler in real-time. As it goes, it finds connections and gets useful insights right away, without any manual effort.