EKS Nodegroup

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EKS Nodegroup is an AWS managed service that allows users to quickly and easily create, scale, and manage a Kubernetes cluster. EKS Nodegroup creates ready-to-use nodes in the cloud, allowing developers to focus on writing applications rather than managing infrastructure. It uses Amazon EC2 instances for nodes and provides a secure environment for running workloads with multiple security layers. With EKS Nodegroup, users can quickly spin up or down their node groups as needed to meet their application demands. Additionally, the service offers automated patching of nodes and rolling upgrades of Kubernetes clusters, so users can keep their cloud environments up-to-date without manual intervention.


EKS Nodegroup
has 0 links in Overmind
Autoscaling Group
The link between an Amazon EKS NodeGroup and an Auto Scaling Group (ASG) in AWS is that the former can be used to automatically provision, manage, and scale EC2 instances for Kubernetes clusters. The NodeGroup is essentially a collection of nodes within a cluster that are managed by an ASG. It ensures that the number of nodes in the cluster remains consistent even when workloads increase or decrease. This allows for greater scalability and flexibility when running applications on top of Kubernetes. Additionally, it also helps to reduce operational overhead as the NodeGroup takes care of managing the underlying EC2 instances without manual intervention from administrators or developers.
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Autoscaling Group

Key Pair
The link between eks-nodegroup and ec2-key-pair in AWS is a relationship of trust. eks-nodegroup provides a secure way to connect to an Amazon EC2 instance, allowing it to access data stored in the cloud. The connection between eks-nodegroup and EC2 is established via an ec2-key-pair security token, which is used as proof of identity and authentication for each remote access attempt. The ec2-key pair also allows for encryption of any communication sent over the connection, providing additional security for sensitive data. By combining the two methods, AWS ensures that only those with proper credentials can gain access to its services.
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Key Pair

Launch Template
The link between eks-nodegroup and ec2-launch-template in AWS is that the eks-nodegroup resource allows users to define the parameters of an Amazon EC2 instance, such as instance type, AMI type, and user data. This information is then used by the ec2-launch-template resource to launch the EC2 instances needed for a Kubernetes cluster. By using these two resources together, users can easily set up and manage their Kubernetes clusters on AWS in an organized way.
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Launch Template

Security Group
The link between an EKS NodeGroup and an EC2 Security Group in AWS is that the former is a managed node group for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters, while the latter is a virtual firewall for controlling inbound and outbound network traffic to/from AWS resources. The EC2 Security Group acts as the fundamental security infrastructure for controlling access to the EKS NodeGroup by providing granular control over which internal or external clients can connect to the nodes. This way, users can maintain a secure environment with only authorized traffic allowed through.
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Security Group

EC2 Subnet
The link between eks-nodegroup and ec2-subnet in Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an important one. An EKS nodegroup is a collection of Auto Scaling groups, each with its own EC2 instance type, that are used to host the nodes of a Kubernetes cluster. Each EKS nodegroup must be associated with at least one subnet in an EC2 VPC so that the nodes can communicate with other components of the AWS environment. The combination of eks-nodegroups and ec2-subnets provides end users with granular control over how their Kubernetes cluster runs within AWS, enabling them to tailor their setup for optimal performance and cost efficiency.
Learn more about

EC2 Subnet

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