Fargate Profile

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Fargate Profile is a new feature in AWS that allows users to deploy and manage containers without having to manage the underlying compute infrastructure. Fargate Profile utilizes AWS' container orchestration engine, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of container workloads. With Fargate Profile, users can quickly create a secure environment for their containerized applications, allowing them to focus on building and deploying their application code instead of managing the underlying compute infrastructure. Additionally, Fargate Profile offers advanced load balancing features such as automatic routing based on traffic patterns. This allows applications deployed with Fargate Profile to scale up or down automatically based on demand.


Fargate Profile
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EC2 Subnet
The link between Amazon EKS-Fargate Profile and Amazon EC2-Subnet in AWS is a close one. Fargate Profiles are used to enable the scheduling of containerised workloads on managed compute resources, such as EC2 instances and AWS Fargate. To schedule workloads on these compute resources, each Fargate Profile must be associated with an Amazon VPC subnet which helps to define the network deployment environment for the containers running within it. This is where the connection between EKS-Fargate Profiles and EC2 Subnets comes in; they must be linked together to allow containerised workloads to be scheduled on either instance or Fargate compute resources. Furthermore, when configuring a new Cluster within an existing VPC, you will need to provide at least two subnets (one public facing and one private) that will ultimately be associated with your chosen EKS-Fargate Profile.
Learn more about

EC2 Subnet

IAM Role
The link between Amazon Web Services' EKS Fargate Profile and IAM Role is that the former enables an individual to use the latter to assume specific roles within AWS. An EKS Fargate Profile defines a set of permissions that are granted to an IAM role, allowing it to assume certain tasks, such as launching and managing containerized applications on AWS. By granting these permissions, users can easily manage their AWS resources without having to manually configure access control policies. Additionally, when using an EKS Fargate Profile with an IAM Role, users can easily rotate access credentials without any disruption in service.
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IAM Role

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