EC2 Volume


Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Volumes are a type of block storage that allows users to persistently store data on the AWS cloud platform. EC2 Volumes provide high-performance, reliable and scalable persistent storage for AWS services such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) and more. EC2 Volumes feature fast I/O throughput, low latency response times and the ability to attach up to 16 TB of storage per instance. Additionally, users can create multiple volumes with different performance characteristics within the same Availability Zone or across multiple Availability Zones for added durability and resilience.


EC2 Volume
has 2 links in Overmind
Availability Zone
The link between AWS EC2-Volume and EC2-Availability Zone is one of the most important aspects of cloud computing for businesses that use AWS. It enables them to ensure their data is stored in a reliable, redundant manner across multiple Availability Zones (AZs). An EC2-Volume is a virtual hard disk that can be attached to an instance in an AZ. This volume can contain any type of data, such as application code, databases or media files. The AZ serves as a replication site for the volume and ensures that if the primary AZ fails, then the secondary AZ will be available with all its contents intact. This helps organisations maintain high levels of scalability and availability when using AWS services.
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Availability Zone

EC2 Instance
The link between Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Volume and Instance is that EC2 Volume provides persistent data storage for EC2 Instances. An EC2 Volume is a virtual disk that can be used to store data for applications running on an EC2 Instance. The data stored in the volume will persist even if the associated instance is terminated or stopped. Additionally, multiple volumes can be attached to a single instance to provide increased storage capacity and availability. Also, it's possible to snapshot an EC2 volume at any point in time, allowing users to create backups of their instance's data with ease.
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EC2 Instance

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