EC2 Instance

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EC2 Instance (Elastic Compute Cloud) is a virtual machine provided by AWS. It provides on-demand computing resources, allowing users to quickly deploy and scale applications in the cloud. EC2 instances can be customized according to needs, with various combinations of CPU, memory, storage and networking capacity. The user has full control over their EC2 instance and can install any software they require. This makes it an ideal platform for hosting web applications or running intensive workloads such as big data processing.


EC2 Instance
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The link between an Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 instance and DNS is one of the core components of setting up a cloud infrastructure. DNS is used to resolve domain names to IP addresses, and EC2 instances are allocated with a unique IP address. This allows for the connection between a domain name and its associated EC2 instance, allowing users to access their applications by simply typing in the name of their application instead of remembering an IP address. AWS provides two services for this purpose: Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) and Route 53. ELB allows users to connect multiple EC2 instances under one domain name or subdomain while Route 53 provides users with Domain Name System (DNS) resolution services that allow them to map domains or subdomains to specific IP addresses or AWS resources. Both services enable connectivity between domains/subdomains and respective EC2 instances.
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Availability Zone
An Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance is a virtual server in the cloud that can be used to store and run applications. An EC2 Availability Zone (AZ) is an isolated location within an AWS Region, providing customers with improved fault tolerance, lower latency, and increased scalability for their applications. Each AZ consists of one or more discrete data centers that have independent power sources, cooling systems, and network connectivity. By running applications across multiple AZs within a single region, customers can ensure that their operations remain unaffected should any component of an AZ become unavailable due to power outages or other unexpected events.
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Availability Zone

Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
EC2-instances and EC2-images are two key components in AWS. An EC2-instance is a virtual machine that runs applications, while an EC2-image is a template or snapshot of the system configuration used to create the instance. When you launch an instance, it's based on an image, which contains all the software necessary for that instance to run. The image can be either provided by AWS or created by you with specific customisations. When launching a new instance in AWS, you must specify both the EC2-instance and its associated EC2-image so that your application will have all of the necessary components for running properly.
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Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

EC2 Instance Status
The link between EC2-Instance and EC2-instance-status in AWS is very important. EC2-Instance is the virtual machine that users are able to create, configure, and launch on the Amazon Web Services platform. The status of this instance can be monitored via the EC2-instance-status feature. This feature provides detailed information regarding the state of an instance such as its CPU utilization, memory usage, network activity, storage I/O throughput and more. By monitoring these metrics users are able to detect any anomalies or performance issues with their deployed instances and take necessary actions in order to ensure optimal performance of their applications running on AWS infrastructure.
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EC2 Instance Status

Key Pair
The link between an Amazon EC2 instance and an EC2 Key Pair in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment is that a key pair is used to securely connect to the instance. The EC2 Key Pair serves as a digital signature, allowing access only to users who possess the private key associated with it. When launching an instance, you can specify which key pair you'd like to use; after launch, the public key of that pair will be injected into the instance so that it can be accessed. In order for a user to access their instance, they must possess both their private and public keys within their local environment.
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Key Pair

Placement Group
The link between Amazon EC2 Instances and EC2 Placement Groups lies in their ability to serve as the fundamental building blocks for enterprise-level applications and services hosted on AWS. EC2 Instances are virtual machines that can be used for a variety of computing purposes, such as running web servers, databases, software development tools, analytics engines and other applications. Meanwhile, an EC2 Placement Group is a logical grouping of related instances that can be used to control how resources such as networking bandwidth are allocated across those instances. By combining multiple EC2 Instances into an EC2 Placement Group, users have greater flexibility when it comes to optimizing their cloud infrastructure performance.
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Placement Group

Security Group
The link between an EC2-instance and an EC2-security-group in AWS is the fundamental basis upon which the security of resources within the cloud environment is built. An EC2 instance is a form of virtual computing resource in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, while an EC2 security group provides network access control for that instance. In other words, a security group defines which IP addresses are allowed to communicate with each other on a particular port - i.e., which traffic can reach your instance and how much it can access. By connecting your instance to one or more security groups, you can fine-tune the degree of access granted to it, as well as set rules that ensure only authorized traffic reaches your application or service.
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Security Group

EC2 Subnet
The link between an EC2-instance and an EC2-subnet in AWS is that the instance must be launched into a subnet. Subnets are logical subdivisions of a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and provide segmentation within the VPC itself. Each subnet is associated with a single Availability Zone, and the instances launched into it will be placed within that zone by default. When launching an instance, you must specify which subnet it should launch in; this determines both the Availability Zone as well as network parameters like IP address range and routing table.
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EC2 Subnet

EC2 Volume
The AWS platform includes two key components that are essential for cloud computing: EC2-instances and EC2-volumes. EC2-instances refer to virtual machines that are hosted on the AWS platform, while EC2-volumes refer to block storage devices. These two components are tightly integrated with one another in order to provide users with the ability to store data in the cloud and access it from multiple sources. Through this integration, users can quickly scale their services by creating additional instances or adding more storage capacity as needed. In addition, they can also configure their services in accordance with their specific needs, such as setting up a secure environment or configuring a high performance system.
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EC2 Volume

The link between Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in AWS is an important one. EC2 instances are cloud-based virtual machines that enable users to deploy computing resources in the cloud without having to maintain physical hardware. By leveraging EC2, users can access these resources on-demand and quickly spin up or down as needed. EC2 instances are launched into a VPC, which acts as a secure network that isolates user data from other users within the same AWS environment. A VPC provides control over the IP address range, subnets, and associated routing tables for each resource deployed within it. It also enables connection to other services such as Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), Simple Storage Service (S3), and others. This allows users to connect their applications securely across different services while ensuring that their data remains private and secure within their own environment.
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The link between an EC2 instance and its associated IP in AWS is established through Amazon's Elastic Network Interface (ENI). When an EC2 instance is created, it is assigned a unique ENI. This ENI contains the IP address of the instance and connects it to the network. The ENI acts as a bridge between the virtual layer of AWS and its underlying physical network infrastructure, allowing traffic to flow freely between the two layers. By assigning each instance an ENI, Amazon can ensure that every individual EC2 instance has a unique IP address that remains constant throughout its lifetime.
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