IAM Policy

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IAM Policy in AWS is an authorization mechanism that defines the permissions for accessing resources. It determines who (users, groups, or roles) can perform what (actions) on which resources. IAM policies use JSON to define access controls and can be used to grant permission across a range of AWS services and operations. Policies are also used to manage credentials such as access keys and temporary security tokens, as well as manage multi-factor authentication settings. Additionally, IAM policies provide audit logging capabilities which enable organizations to detect and mitigate policy violations quickly.


IAM Policy
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IAM Group
The link between IAM-Policy and IAM-Group in AWS is an association between a set of permissions and the users who are assigned to those permissions. An IAM policy defines the specific actions that a user can take within AWS, while an IAM group is a collection of users who have been granted access to those same actions. A user's membership in an IAM group will determine which resources they are allowed to access, based on the policies associated with the group. By assigning users to groups rather than directly assigning them policies, administrators can more easily manage large numbers of users and their associated privileges.
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IAM Group

IAM Role
The link between an IAM policy and IAM role in Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be defined as a relationship of trust. An IAM policy is a set of permissions that grant access to AWS resources, while an IAM role is an identity with specific privileges. To define who has access to what, the user creates a policy and attaches it to the role. This grants the assumed identity all the permissions associated with that particular role. When creating or managing an IAM policy, it is important to ensure that only authorized users have access to certain resources within your AWS environment.
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IAM Role

IAM User
The relationship between Amazon Web Services (AWS) IAM-Policy and IAM-User is an important one. An AWS IAM-Policy defines the permissions granted to an IAM User, as well as any other AWS resources they have access to. Put simply, an IAM-User is given access rights by the policies associated with it. These policies are what define which services and resources a user has permission to access, as well as what they can do with those resources once they've gained access. With regards to security, it's important that the correct permissions are applied when setting up or modifying these policies - otherwise users may be able to make changes that could cause damage or expose sensitive data.
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IAM User

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