Target Group


Target Groups in AWS are used to route traffic to specific application endpoints. They enable customers to configure multiple targets, such as EC2 instances and containers, to receive traffic from a single load balancer. Target groups also allow customers to monitor the health of their registered targets and take action when necessary. By leveraging target groups, customers can easily define rules for routing incoming requests based on attributes such as the path of the request or origin of the client.


Target Group
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The relationship between elbv2-target-group and ec2-vpc in Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of interdependence. Elbv2-target-group provides the ability for an application or service to register endpoints with AWS. In turn, EC2 instances launched within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) are registered as targets with the target group. This allows traffic to be routed to the corresponding EC2 instance based on associated network and security settings configured within the VPC. In short, elbv2-target-group enables users to register endpoints with AWS, while ec2-vpc allows these endpoints to be launched inside an isolated network environment.
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Elastic Load Balancer
The link between an ELBv2 Target Group and an ELBv2 Load Balancer in Amazon Web Services (AWS) is that the target group is used to route requests to one or more registered targets, while the load balancer serves as the single point of contact for clients. In other words, when a client sends a request to the load balancer, it routes it to one or more of its registered target groups, depending on how it has been configured. The target groups then direct the request to their corresponding targets. This allows applications to be distributed across multiple targets for improved scalability and performance.
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Elastic Load Balancer

ELB Target Health
Elastic Load Balancing (ELBV2) Target Groups and Target Health are two components of the ELBV2 service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Target Groups are used to route incoming requests from clients to specific EC2 instances, while Target Health is responsible for monitoring the health of registered EC2 instances. ELBV2 checks the health status of registered targets before routing requests and only routes requests to healthy targets. When an EC2 instance becomes unhealthy, ELBV2 stops sending traffic to it and starts routing traffic to other healthy targets in the group. This ensures that only healthy instances receive client requests and provides a fault-tolerant way of managing server resources on AWS.
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ELB Target Health

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