Task Definition

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Task Definition is a fundamental building block of AWS. It is a text file that describes one or more Docker containers which make up an application. It defines the resources and configuration parameters for running the container, such as memory limits, CPU shares, networking modes, and so on. Task Definitions also define port mappings to link containers to each other and the host machine, environment variables for configuring applications within containers and data volumes for persisting data generated by applications. By using Task Definitions, users can easily deploy their applications across multiple EC2 instances with minimal effort.


Task Definition
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IAM Role
The relationship between an ECS task definition and an IAM role in AWS is a crucial one. An ECS task definition contains all of the parameters needed to run a Docker container on Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS). It defines which Docker image to use, how many CPUs and memory to allocate, networking settings, and other parameters. On the other hand, an IAM role is a set of permissions that grant access to AWS services like EC2 or S3. To run an ECS task successfully, you must associate it with an IAM role that has the necessary permissions for it to succeed. That way, when ECS runs your containerized application as part of your task definition, it will have all of the necessary resources available in order for it to complete its work successfully.
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IAM Role

The link between ecs-task-definition and secretsmanager-secret in Amazon Web Services (AWS) is that the former allows users to define the parameters of a containerized application, while the latter enables secure storage and retrieval of secrets such as credentials, passwords and other sensitive data. ECS task definitions are used for setting up parameters for EC2 Container Services (ECS). These settings include defining information about Docker containers such as memory limits, port mappings, environment variables, CPU shares, entry points and more. Secrets Manager Secret stores information in AWS Key Management Service (KMS) encrypted format which is used for secure storage of sensitive data. This enables users to store their secret data securely without having to manage or store it themselves or share it with others. With Secrets Manager Secret integration into ECS task definitions, developers can take advantage of secure secrets management within their applications with just a few clicks.
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The link between ecs-task-definition and ssm-parameter in AWS is an important one. ECS task definition defines the parameters, such as memory and CPU limits, of a given task running on the Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). SSM parameter is a set of parameters that can be used to configure tasks within the same ECS cluster. SSM allows users to store configuration data such as database connection strings, encrypted passwords, and other variables in secure locations that are accessible by all services within the same cluster. This makes it easier for developers to quickly update and deploy changes across their entire system without having to manually change values for each individual service or task.
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